A great trip to Amsterdam – a place where people live in shipping containers
trees are made of rebar…
the water is full of crazy reflections…
and coffee shops sell way more than just coffee…
When we walked by one of them, Liam said, “Hey, how did they know we were bringing our movie? They’re making Amsterdam smell like Skatopia!”
We rode bikes everywhere…
hanging posters and handing out postcards everywhere we could…
Saw some creepy stuff in jars at a science museum…
and a Russian submarine with a Volcom sticker!
We went to Skatepark Amsterdam, which rocked – a good sized indoor park in this crazy huge container shipping warehouse. It cost a million euros just to build the elevated platform the park sits on!
Our apartment was a block from the Red Light District which made Liam say, “Hey, those ladies are trying to be statues!”
The film received an excellent response.
De Uitkijk (you say “out-gike”, which means Look-out) Theater was very classy, served beer (even had little tables with drink order forms and a little buzzer to call a waitress) and the audience was great.
little tables
We followed up with a special screening at the Streetlab Gallery… special shoutout to Jeroen Smeets and RELOAD magazine, the folks at Streelab and Stan Postmus for making that screening an event!
At the end of the week we’re meeting the Skatopia crew for a screening at the Hot Springs Doc Festival. Be sure and tell any Arkansans that you know!